Tuesday, October 16, 2012


God has been bringing hurricanes to my mind lately. Now, being in Colorado, and growing up in Kansas, I don’t think about hurricanes much. So today, I looked up the properties of hurricanes. Did you know that the strongest winds of a hurricane are close to the eye? (If you’re from the coast, I’m sure you do.) Anyway, God has told me to remain in the eye of the storm, and He will take care of the rest. I can see the storm raging all around me, but I need to remain in the eye. HE is in charge of the storm, and He’s got everything covered.

On another note, could you pray for Paul and me as we travel this weekend to Virginia? We will be going through training as Project Hope volunteers, and it will be emotional. They are flying us out, but travel is very difficult for me with my fibromyalgia. Thanks!

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